Transfixed by the Flickering Images

The pataphysician has been nearly without television for a month but found himself watching it resently. He noted quite quickly he was 'transfixed by the flicking images'

Let me say this is a cruel world indeed that will get you addicted to a product and then place in a position where it is refused. I speak of television, the secret lover of many americans, the beast that consumes and gives back with the laugh tracks that once destoryed my mind. I would even give to watch a show I had seen so many times that I knew the whole thing. It is a shameful thing I do to admit this. I felt I could live, and I have, but I still wish to watch shows, I wish to mock the laughter.

I wonder what the new shows are!

It is almost too much.

I would not even be writtin this I had not spent a half day standing in the television section of Target watching that wall of screens. I was transfixed, the images caught me and refused to let go. The shows, oh the shows, made sense they were the world and I wanted in. I wanted back, it was like seeing Eden and then finding the angel with a flaming sword was some clerk that wanted me to buy a tv. I was denied entry because I hadn't the money. The bastard felt that I should buy one in order to live in this tranquility.

Movies aren't the same, I know because I have attended a few inorder to create the feeling. They just haven't the same mind draining quality. They lack something and it is rather differant to be seated with others watching the same thing. The quality is lost. The cinema is a differant world and the television merly adds to ours, that and paying money for an hour and half is not usally worth it. My standards are too high. I just can not imagine doing that every day, but once in a while, yes. I will stand the crowds of people that laugh at the wrong times, the hecklers, the dates that end up with the male trying to look good to the girl by hasseling me. I will stand these people for that but only once in a while.

Perhaps you notice I refer to it as a cinema and not a movie theatre. I would if I attended a cinema that looked as a true converted theatre. If the screen actually seemed to hide a stage and if I felt there was a back stage then I would call it a movie theatre, because it would be a theatre that happened to show movies, but there are few of these around and I have only been to about 2 or 3.

I do morn the lose of tv but I also know if I get desperate there are television out there and I know where to find them.