Or rather what they may not be made of, whose to say really.

Now listen here I placed this section in on very only after a lot of thought and realizing that I want the exposure. By that I mean I am heard to talk about my writing but i usally don't let others see or hear it. Hear in the cold reaches of cyberspace it is safer, because even though I given my name I still have anonymity.

For these reason and others I have put this, enjoy.

First I shall give a quote from one Austin Reedy that basically sums all this up,'Sal you poems are good and shit, but man they are just too fucking long,' I would agree with him but I can find very few ways of writing them shorter.

You (a poem that made me look like a stalker)

My morning at home on a Saturday Night whilst watching television through closed doors from my Bathroom (auto biographical of course)[oddly short though with a long title]

Staring out (It really isn't that amazing what I can do with my free time)

Modern Corealian (It's more of a dialect than a language)